Console.log output

console.log() is similar to the function of print() in python. Running the command outputs the parameter to the console, so it you can see it in a Jupyter document. However, running the command in a web application does not make it visible from the browser.

console.log("Hello World")
Hello World


Variables in JavaScript are defined using the var keyword

var msg = "Hello everyone"
Hello everyone


Functions are defined in JavaScript with the function keyword, a function name, and the arguments of the function. The code in the function needs to be contained in curly braces {}.

Since the variable msg was defined in the previous cell, it can be used as a parameter when calling the logIt function.

function logIt(output) {

Hello everyone

Reuse of a Function

Functions that have been previous defined in a previous cell can be called in any subsequent cell in the Jupyter notebook. A function/method is a process of creating a procedural abstraction

console.log("Reuse of logIT")
logIt("Hello, Students!")
logIt("Foo Bar!")
Reuse of logIT
Hello, Students!
Foo Bar!
Hello everyone

Dynamic or Loosely Typed Language (string, number)

Javascript is a loosely typed language, so you don't have to specify what type of information will be stored in a variable in advance.

function logItType(output) {
    console.log(typeof output, ";", output);
console.log("Looking at dynamic nature of types in JavaScript")
logItType("hello"); // String
logItType(2020);    // Number
logItType([1, 2, 3]);  // Object is generic for this Array, which similar to Python List
Looking at dynamic nature of types in JavaScript
string ; hello
number ; 2020
object ; [ 1, 2, 3 ]

Creating a different table

Here is my usage of a Jupyter JavaScript kernel to create a table:

function Person(name, ghID, classOf) { = name;
    this.ghID = ghID;
    this.classOf = classOf;
    this.role = "";
  Person.prototype.setRole = function(role) {
    this.role = role;
  Person.prototype.toJSON = function() {
    const obj = {name:, ghID: this.ghID, classOf: this.classOf, role: this.role};
    const json = JSON.stringify(obj);
    return json;
  var ScrumMaster = new Person("Shaurya Goel", "STG-7", 2025);
  ScrumMaster.setRole("Scrum Master");
  var DevOp = new Person("Evan Aparri", "chewyboba10", 2024);
  var FrontendDevs = [ 
    new Person("Haseeb Beg", "h4seeb-cmd", 2024),
    new Person("Tirth Thakkar", "Tirth-Thakkar", 2024),
  var BackendDev = new Person("Alex Lu", "YLu-1258", 2024);
  function Group(DevOp, BackendDevs, ScrumMaster, FrontendDevs){
    ScrumMaster.setRole("Scrum Master");
    this.ScrumMaster = ScrumMaster; = [ScrumMaster];
    this.DevOp = DevOp;
    DevOp.setRole("Dev Op");;
    this.FrontendDevs = FrontendDevs;
    this.FrontendDevs.forEach(FrontendDev => { FrontendDev.setRole("Frontend Dev");; });
    this.BackendDev = BackendDev;
    BackendDev.setRole("Backend Dev");;
    this.json = []; => this.json.push(person.toJSON()));
  compsci = new Group(DevOp, BackendDev, ScrumMaster, FrontendDevs);
  Group.prototype._toHtml = function() {
      var style = (
        "display:inline-block;" +
        "border: 2px solid grey;" +
        "box-shadow: 0.8em 0.4em 0.4em grey;"
      var body = "";
      body += "<tr>";
      body += "<th><mark>" + "Name" + "</mark></th>";
      body += "<th><mark>" + "GitHub ID" + "</mark></th>";
      body += "<th><mark>" + "Class Of" + "</mark></th>";
      body += "<th><mark>" + "Role" + "</mark></th>";
      body += "</tr>";
      for (var row of {
        body += "<tr>";
        body += "<td>" + + "</td>";
        body += "<td>" + row.ghID + "</td>";
        body += "<td>" + row.classOf + "</td>";
        body += "<td>" + row.role + "</td>";
        body += "<tr>";
      return (
        "<div style='" + style + "'>" +
          "<table>" +
            body +
          "</table>" +
</table></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
NameGitHub IDClass OfRole
Shaurya GoelSTG-72025Scrum Master
Evan Aparrichewyboba102024Dev Op
Haseeb Begh4seeb-cmd2024Frontend Dev
Tirth ThakkarTirth-Thakkar2024Frontend Dev
Alex LuYLu-12582024Backend Dev