Procedure to help with my assignments

class Assignment:
    def __init__(self, name, due_date): = name
        self.due_date = due_date

# create a list to store all the assignments
assignments = []

# prompt the user to input their assignments and due dates
while True:
    # ask the user if they want to add an assignment
    add_assignment = input("Do you want to add an assignment? (yes/no) ")
    if add_assignment.lower() == "yes":
        # if yes, ask for the assignment name and due date
        name = input("Enter the assignment name: ")
        due_date = input("Enter the due date (MM/DD/YYYY): ")

        # create an assignment object and add it to the list
        assignment = Assignment(name, due_date)
        # if no, break out of the loop

# print out the assignments and their due dates
print("Here are your assignments:")
for assignment in assignments:
    print(f"{} - Due on {assignment.due_date}")
Here are your assignments:
Physics Mini-Lab - Due on 12/12/2022
Read and annotate Scarlet Letter chapter 18 - Due on 12/12/2022
3.12-3.13 hacks and notes - Due on 12/12/2022
  1. This code defines a class called Assignment, which represents a single assignment with a name and due date. The class has an __init__ method that initializes each instance of the class with a name and due date.
  2. The code then creates an empty list called assignments to store all of the assignments that the user will enter.
  3. It then enters a loop that will continue until the user indicates that they don't want to add any more assignments. Inside the loop, the code prompts the user to add an assignment and asks for the assignment name and due date.
  4. When the user enters this information, the code creates a new Assignment object and adds it to the list of assignments.
  5. After the user indicates that they don't want to add any more assignments, the code prints out a list of all the assignments and their due dates.