quesCount = 0

# Use a dictionary for the questions
quesList = [{"Question1", "What is 1+1 equal to?"}, {"Question2", "What is 2*2 equal to?"}, {"Question3", "What is 3^3 equal to?"}, {"Question4", "What is 4/4 equal to?"}]

# Use a dictionary for the correct solutions
soluList = [{"Solution1"}, {"Solution2"}, {"Solution3"}, {"Solution4"}]

quesAmount= len(quesList)

for i in range(quesAmount):
    print(quesList[i], "\n")
    guess = input()
    if guess == soluList[quesAmount]:
        print("Correct! Score: ")
        print("Incorrect! The correct answer was " + soluList(quesCount) + "\n")
    quesCount += 1

print("Final score: " + str(score))
quesCount = 0
score = 0
quesSkip = 0

# Use a dictionary for the questions
quesList = ["What is 1+1 equal to?", "What is 2*2 equal to?", "What is 3/3 equal to?", "What is 4^4 equal to?"]

# Use a dictionary for the correct solutions
soluList = ["2", "4", "1", "256"]

quesAmount= len(quesList)

for i in range(quesAmount):
    guess = input("Type 'skip' if you wish to skip the question")
    if guess == soluList[i]:
        print("Your answer", guess, "is correct! Score: ", score, "\n")
    elif guess == "skip":
        print("You have skipped the question. The correct answer was " + soluList[i]+ "\n")
        print("Your answer", guess, "is incorrect! The correct answer was " + soluList[i] + "\n")
    quesCount += 1

def percentage(right, wrong):
    percentage = 100 * float(right)/float(wrong)
    return str(percentage) + "%" 

print("You got", score, "questions correct, a", percentage(score, quesCount), "and skipped ", str(quesSkip), "questions")
What is 1+1 equal to?
Your answer 2 is correct! Score:  1 

What is 2*2 equal to?
You have skipped the question. The correct answer was 4

What is 3/3 equal to?
Your answer 1 is correct! Score:  2 

What is 4^4 equal to?
Your answer 2 is incorrect! The correct answer was 256

You got 2 questions correct, a 50.0% and skipped  1 questions