
class PongAPI:
    class PongCreate(Resource):    
        def post(self):
            data = request.get_json()

            user1 = data.get('user1')
            if user1 is None or len(user1) != 3:
                return {'message': f'username 1 is missing or longer than 3 characters'}, 210
            user2 = data.get('user2')
            if user2 is None or len(user2) != 3:
                return {'message': f'username 2 is missing or longer than 3 characters'}, 210
            # Change later to exclude negative scores
            score1 = data.get('score1')
            if score1 is None or len(score1) <= 0:
                return {'message': f'Score 1 does not exist, is missing, or is invalid'}, 210 

            score2 = data.get('score2')
            if score2 is None or len(score2) <= 0:
                return {'message': f'Score 2 does not exist, is missing, or is invalid'}, 210 
            result1 = data.get('result1')
            if result1 is None:
                return {'message': f'Game result does not exist or is missing'}, 210 
            result2 = data.get('result2')
            if result2 is None:
                return {'message': f'Game result does not exist or is missing'}, 210 
            scoreDate = data.get('scoreDate')

            pongProfile = Pong(user1=user1, user2=user2, score1=score1, score2=score2, result1=result1, result2=result2)

            if scoreDate is not None:
                    pongProfile.scoreDate = datetime.strptime(scoreDate, '%m-%d-%Y').date()
                    return {'message': f'Date obtained score format error {scoreDate}, must be mm-dd-yyyy'}, 210
            user = pongProfile.create()
            if user:
                return jsonify(user.make_dict())
            return {'message': f'Processed {user1} and/or {user2}, either a format error or Usernames {user1} and/or {user2} is duplicate'}, 210

Creating a user profile uses the POST method. There are multiple error conditions handled in the code. If the username inputted does not have 3 characters, an error message is displayed. If the scores have no digits, an error message is displayed. Finally, if there is a format error for the date, then an error message is again displayed.


    class PongListAPI(Resource):
        def get(self):
            pongScores = Pong.query.all()
            json_ready = [user.make_dict() for user in pongScores]
            return jsonify(json_ready)

The person is able to read the data from the API using the GET method. This code helps display all the data from the API.


    class PongUpdate(Resource):
        def put(self):
            data = request.get_json()
            user1Data = data.get('user1')
            user2Data = data.get('user2')
            score1Data = data.get('score1')
            score2Data = data.get('score2')
            result1Data = data.get('result1')
            result2Data = data.get('result2')
            pongGameUpdate1 = Pong.query.filter_by(_user1=user1Data).first()
            pongGameUpdate2 = Pong.query.filter_by(_user2=user2Data).first()

            if not pongGameUpdate1:
                return {'message': f'{user1Data} not found'}, 210

            pongGameUpdate1.update(score1=score1Data, result1=result1Data)

            if not pongGameUpdate2:
                return {'message': f'{user2Data} not found'}, 210

            pongGameUpdate2.update(score2=score2Data, result2=result2Data)

            return {'message': f'{user1Data} and {user2Data} updated'}, 210

Updating a profile uses the PUT method. The scores to be updated is inputted, and the scores is updated to the newly inputted scores.It is the same for the results as well.


    class PongDelete(Resource):
        def delete(self):
            data = request.get_json()
            getID = data.get('id')
            pongGameDeleting = Pong.query.get(getID)
            if pongGameDeleting:
                return {'message': f'Game ID {getID} deleted'}, 210
                return {'message': f'Game ID {getID} not found'}, 210

Deleting a profile uses the DELETE method. An ID number is inputted, and the profile with the corresponding ID number is deleted.


We have made use of the Create and Read Methods, but unfortunately we did not have time for fullstack for the update and delete methods.