Presentation Highlights

Slide 2: Agile Manifesto

  • Adaptability, Communcation, Collaboration, Creativity, and Quality are our focus

Slide 3: Concept/Idea for Project

  • concept retro style arcade
  • purpose and goal is to have a fun experience while competing with other users

Slide 4: How our purpose and goal will be accomplished

  • aesthetic homepage
  • retro arcade theme and games
  • leaderboard

Slide 5: First Feature - Snake Game

  • Able to keep track of score
  • Different settings for speed

Slide 6: Second Feature - Game Settings

  • Can change speed and wall in settings
  • More setting planned to be added

Slide 7: Third Feature - Score Save

  • High score table will where you will enter in your username
  • Plan to make score match with the game played and the date be set to current date

Slide 8: Fourth Feature - Leaderboard

  • Will be synced with our database
  • Will display rank, username, score, and date
  • Two different leaderboards: one for default and another for mods
  • Top 5 users with the highest score will be displayed

Slide 9: Fifth Feature - User Game History

  • Will show the most recent games played
  • usernames can be searched up
  • only the top 5 most recent games will be displayed

Slide 10 & 11: Scrum Board/ Future Plans Shows scrum board split into four columns

  1. Todo
  2. In Progress
  3. Done
  4. Scratchboard

Also shows an issue example of a checklist for the week making sure certain small goals were met

Possible plans/considerations included:

  • More mods
  • improving snake game frontend
  • More games
  • Login


Mr. Mortenson helped us realize that our 5 “features” that we described in our presentation were really our 1, which was the leaderboard. The rest were parts of the features mentioned. One feature that will be user history so that you can search up a user’s past games and possible compare then to another user. We are still brainstorming the other two features. We are thinking about a login but that will slightly damage the theme of a retro style arcade.

I also think there wasn’t enough communication between group members because sometimes what our groups members said in the presentation when describing the features did match what I had in my mind. So we need a bit more communication between group members to make it super clear what our idea and goals are.