Unit 3 Section 17-18 Plan

This lesson is subject to change and will be altered and improved

Topics: 17 and 18(Algorithmic efficiency and undecidable problems)


  • Give examples of inefficient algorithms and their more efficient versions
  • Give an example of inefficient algorithms and ask students to see if they can create a more efficient algorithm

  • Give an example decidable problems (maybe like determining if a number is odd or even)
  • Explain what undecidable problems are and give examples

Activity #1: Card Sorting (Algorithmic Efficiency)

Objective: Make students comfortable with Algorithmic Efficiency

Activity Description:

4 cards given to each group, they have to organize them from least to greatest. The cards will be randomly organized, facing down. The catch is that they are only allowed to pick up any 2 cards at a time to look at, from there the one can choose to swap places or keep the cards in their place. Record the number of times you pick up a pair of cards until you order the cards from least to greatest.

Reason: It will give them a real life example


Algorithmic efficiency

  • Make students do a simple card sort themselves and record the comparisons and swaps
  • Apply it to code given in a jupyter notebook Undecidable problems
  • Create a jupyter notebook with errors in the code and make students find and fix the errors