Night At The Museum

Night at the Museum, usually scheduled towards the end of the trimester, provides a platform for students enrolled in art and craft courses to present their final projects. Several classes participate in this event, including 3D Animation, AP Studio Art, Drawing and Painting, Ceramics, APCSP, and APCSA. In this exhibition, Computer Science students collaborated in teams to create a coding project and showcase their completed projects, whereas Drawing and Painting students proudly exhibit their finest artwork. Students specializing in 3D Animation present their digital creations, while those studying Ceramics proudly display their sculptural works. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed this occasion as it allowed me to admire the imaginative pieces of the arts and crafts students, as well as the impressive coding works done by other computer science students, while also giving me the opportunity to showcase my own work. The quality of the projects was remarkable, with many demonstrating exceptional levels of creativity.

Our Project

We made a Geoguesser inspired project. Geoguesser is an online geography game where players guess the location of a place based on Google Maps Street View images. By analyzing these images, players make educated guesses to earn points. The game offers various maps and themes, including landmarks and remote areas. Geoguesser enhances players’ geography knowledge, observational skills, and cultural familiarity. We emulated this game, but with a focus on 4S Ranch/Del Sur.

Art and Craft Projects

  • Below are some pictures of the art projects that I saw after displaying my own projects

3D Animation

This works are crazy, I always think that work like this is out of high school level, as I have never taken this class, but it impressive to see that my fellow peers can create things like this

AP Studio Art

I was really impressed by all of the art that the students created. I am not a great artist myself, but I really appreciate all the effort these students put into this


If you think about the process it takes to create the images above, you’ll come to realize how much effort the ceramics students put into their works. I really like the teapot and the octopus

AP Computer Science Principles

The APCSP and APCSA classrooms were very packed and full of students attempting to finish their assignments. However, there were also many other groups already done with theirs. I saw many different projects including binary gate project, and two different GeoGuesser games. Our own project was GeoGuesser as well, but each of the project was different in their approach to how they built it and the scope of which their map was contained within.


Overall, it was a great experience to witness the evolution of artwork and projects created throughout the year. It was fascinating to observe our growth as a whole, with some projects representing year-long efforts and familiar names from previous Night at the Museum events, showcasing their remarkable improvement. As the last event of the year, it attracted a large crowd, which was satisfying to see. Both parents and students had the opportunity to admire the creative endeavors of their peers and gain insight into what their classmates had been diligently working on.