Project Plan

Create a 4S Ranch/Del Sur Geoguesser with a leaderboard


Geoguesser is an online geography game where players guess the location of a place based on Google Maps Street View images. By analyzing these images, players make educated guesses to earn points. The game offers various maps and themes, including landmarks and remote areas. Geoguesser enhances players' geography knowledge, observational skills, and cultural familiarity. We want to emulate this game, but with a focus on our neighborhood.

How It Would be Implemented

We plan on having each group member taking pictures of various locations within our neighborhoods from various angles to serve as some of the random images the user may be shown. We are also considering asking our peers or friends to help us with the pictures, so we would gain a greater range of perspectives in our community. After the user is shown the images of the neighborhood, they will be shown a screenshot of the entirety of 4S Ranch/Del Sur on a map split into several sections and be prompted to select a section. The reason we plan on doing this is that it will be hard to implement a moving map like the one on google maps and focus it just on the 4S Ranch/Del Sur community, so we plan on using screenshots of the map in order to simulate this. After they select a section of the map, it will take them to a closer up screenshot of the section of the map they chose split up into more sections and it will do that maybe once or twice more to render in more details of the map to help them pinpoint the location. Then, they will choose one of several spots given on the close up map as their answer. Depending on how far they are from the actual answer, they will receive a certain amount of points. As for how this will be calculated, that is yet to be determined.


We are unsure whether we want to implement a login yet, but we plan on creating a leaderboard where users will log in their scores from the Geoguesser Game. We plan on have the leaderboard to be able to sort based on various factors such as score or date played.